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Fire Prevention

  • Smoke only where permitted.
  • Do not empty ashtrays in wastebaskets that contain paper or other flammable material.
  • Unplug all electrical equipment that is not working properly or in need of repair.
  • Do not overload wall outlets.
  • Keep heat-producing devices away from objects which will burn.
  • Assign someone to ensure appliances are turned off when leaving the building.
  • Store and use flammable liquids according to container instructions and city/code regulations.
  • Do not allow accumulation of trash or waste material that is flammable.
  • Do not hold suite doors or lobby doors open with door stops or other items



The function of the Fire Supervisor is to coordinate and be responsible for the immediate reporting of any potential or actual emergency condition to the Fire or Police Department and the Management Office, to be responsible for and implement an organized plan of evacuation if such a situation should ever arise, and to coordinate and communicate with the other members of the building's emergency personnel and the Fire and Police Departments.


  • Each tenant shall designate one employee as Fire Supervisor and one employee as an alternate Fire Supervisor in case of illness or absence.
  • The Fire Supervisor is responsible for emergency operations in the tenant’s space. As such, the Fire Supervisor should have a complete knowledge of the building's life safety systems and a complete understanding of the emergency procedures.
  • If fire is discovered in its incipient stage or if fire is suspected, it is the responsibility of the Fire Supervisor to see to it that the Fire Department is called.


  • The Fire Supervisor should relocate tenant employees and determine when an evacuation is warranted. If fire or smoke is detected, determine the cause of the alarm and, based on your own intuition, initiate an evacuation. This is definitely the most important decision you will be asked to make. When in doubt -- EVACUATE.
  • If you have made the decision to evacuate your tenant space, notify all other tenants on the floor, apprise them of the emergency and have them initiate their evacuation plans. If one tenant has decided to evacuate, then all tenants on that floor should evacuate.
  • Identify any handicapped person who would require assistance in an evacuation or other emergency. Ensure the safe evacuation of such persons by assigning responsible persons to help.
  • Upon notification of an emergency, all non-office spaces including restrooms should be searched. If an evacuation has been ordered, direct all persons found to the nearest stairwell. Cooperate with the building management and the Fire Department having jurisdiction in the training of employees in the use of fire fighting equipment or during mandatory fire drills.


  • There shall be four Floor Wardens for each floor of the building, two Wardens to be Alternates.
  • The Floor Warden and Alternate should be personnel who are normally in the office and not traveling.
  • Each Warden and Alternate should be fully trained for fire, emergency, bomb threat and/or any other emergency where the Fire Department is needed.
  • As an aid in your employees' identification of a Floor Warden, it is recommended that each tenant provide a red arm band and a flashlight to each Warden and Alternate.
  • Each Floor Warden should be aware of all fire exits and manual pull stations, fire equipment cabinets, and if provided by the tenant, the location of the tenant's First Aid Kit.


  • If there is fire or smoke, call the Management Office and give the exact location. Call the Fire Department ONLY IF YOU SEE SMOKE OR FIRE.
  • Take flashlight and put on your orange vest and prepare people to evacuate. If you are asked to evacuate, you will receive instructions from the emergency personnel. Listen for those instructions. If you feel the situation warrants, you may choose to evacuate the personnel in your charge.
  • DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. If the heat detector in the lobby is activated, all elevators will return to the ground floor for Fire Department use.
  • Start moving your people down the stairways. Tell them to stay calm and orderly; walk, do not run down the stairs. Move all physically handicapped people to the stairwells and await further instructions. You may be instructed to move them to a floor one or more floors away from the fire area.
  • Before opening any doors, feel them. DO NOT OPEN DOORS THAT ARE HOT TO THE TOUCH. Find another exit or call the Management Office for instructions.
  • The Floor Warden is generally the last to leave. To the extent you do not endanger your life, you should make a round of the offices, restrooms, coat rooms and conference rooms to be sure that all personnel have been evacuated from the floor. As you are leaving, CLOSE ALL DOORS. This helps contain fire and smoke.
  • If the smoke is heavy, CRAWL. Stay as close to the floor as possible; the air is better down there. Take short breaths. STAY CALM.
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