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Heat Detectors

The building elevators are equipped with heat detectors. If the heat detector is activated by heat, the elevator cabs will be recalled to the main lobby floor. When this occurs, the stairwells must be utilized for exiting purposes.


The elevators will automatically be recalled to the ground floor lobby once a floor alarm signal is activated as a result of smoke in any elevator lobby. The elevators will not respond to the lobby call buttons. They cannot be used for evacuation.


The stairwell doors will remain unlocked from the corridor side always. During an emergency, proceed to the street level exit, which allows exit at all times. If you proceed all the way down the stairwell, you will exit in the parking structure.

Fire Extinguishers

Each floor has at least two extinguishers mounted in cabinets in the corridors. The locations are indicated on the emergency exit plan. These extinguishers can be used on all types of fire including ordinary combustible materials, flammable liquids and on energized electrical equipment.

Area of Refuge

Areas of Refuge locations for the handicapped are identified on the building evacuation signage in the elevator lobby.